Cyber Hunt

Cyber Hunt 

Cyber hunt, also known as cyber threat hunting, is an active and proactive approach to identifying and mitigating potential cybersecurity threats that may have evaded traditional security measures. It involves a systematic and iterative process of searching for signs of malicious activities or indicators of compromise within an organization's network or systems. Cyber hunters, typically skilled security analysts or incident responders, employ a combination of manual and automated techniques to detect and investigate suspicious behaviors, anomalies, or vulnerabilities. By proactively seeking out threats rather than relying solely on passive defenses, cyber hunt enables organizations to identify and neutralize threats before they cause significant damage. It involves leveraging threat intelligence, advanced analytics, log analysis, and other sophisticated tools to identify hidden or persistent threats that may have evaded traditional security controls. Cyber hunt is an essential component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, providing organizations with improved visibility, early detection, and rapid response capabilities to combat evolving cyber threats.